Comf; that is such a wonderful picture...
I have three big babies;
daughter no1;nearly 16,GCSE's coming up soon.She's into horses in a big way which suits me as we have that common interest to keep us talking and it keeps her busy
daughter no2; 13, also into horses and football, skating,swimming, riding her bike( with no brakes to get the rush...) abseiling face forwards off cliffs - archery,grass sledging; this one i'll have to tie up pretty soon
and my son, 8; he is a sports nut, I spend most of my life watching him play them all...and being patiently taught how to do 'keep-ups' ,'flip-ups' , headers,shooting accurately, rugby tackles, catching, batting and various other important skills that he thinks I need to know how to do, to live a fulfilling life
A few more hours in the day would be nice!